What better purpose today, after all my achievements, but also all my failures, embedded in my experiences and expertise, rooted in my vision and passion for life, than to stand up publicly, being no more a shadow woman – as I have been for a good part of my life, powerful but hidden -, but a public figure, committed with authenticity, to share lessons learnt, not as a role model – I would not have that arrogance -, but a simple human, a woman, a mother, a sister, a friend eager to contribute, by example, to demonstrate how every woman, every man, everyone should have a dream, your dream, and never give it up.
Sharing, serving my dream, is a huge responsibility as my words are echoing for so many people, for various reasons, in different aspects of their life. My words are helping them, they say, to search for their own authenticity, to escape their limits and the bareers they may have set for themselves. My words are driving them to love themselves, to self- respect, to care more for their balance, their body, their health, their life style. And, I hope, being happier, then to become more caring for others.
In 2014, I became disabled with an 80% paraplegic body, which in my daily life still means having to deal with many physical difficulties and chronic pain. It’s a complicated situation. If you look at me today, you would think I have an “invisible handicap” because on the outside, it looks as if I have nothing more than “a broken ankle limp”. It is challenging to live with. To be frank.
Why am I telling you my story? Because I want to show you that nothing is impossible. If you give yourself the necessary attention and intention to make it happened ……more soon on SOOP